Courteville Loss Adjusters

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Courteville Loss Adjusters


A loss adjuster is an insurance agent who inspects/value motor vehicles and assesses the amount of compensation that should be paid after a person has claimed on their insurance policy. Courteville Loss Adjusters Limited is one out of the leading adjusting company on the Jamaican market. We intend to diverse our services; however, we currently offer three main services to various insurance companies, financial institutions and numerous brokers willing to work with us. Our team is engaged in continuous Professional Education which keeps up in touch with developments in this very dynamic industry. Our services include:

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Mechanical Reports

This report provides a detailed report of the condition that the vehicle is in and confirms its road worthiness, in order to get full coverage from an insurance company.
At Courteville Loss Adjusters, we can offer you this service in the convenience of your home or office.

Valuation Reports

This entails all of the information found on a Mechanical Report in addition to an affixed value. This is normally done on vehicles of the production year 2000 and over, which would acquire a Comprehensive coverage. However, clients may request valuation reports for personal reasons for such as loans, bails, etc. Just like mechanical reports, vehicles can be brought to one of our several branches or we come to your location.

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Damage Assessment Reports

In the event that a vehicle should meet in an accident, we provide an assessment report for compensation from the insurance company to which the vehicle is insured. It consists of a thorough break down of the repairer’s estimate (a document given to an Insured, showing the amount it will cost to repair the vehicle) and the amount of days that it would take to repair unit.

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